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Statutory marketing arrangements for primary products

Industry Commission inquiry report

This report was signed on 26 March 1991.

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  • Contents

Cover, Copyright, Signing Page, Contents, Abbreviations, Terms of Reference, Overview and Findings

1 Introduction
1.1 The context of the inquiry
1.2 What are the issues?
1.3 What are statutory marketing arrangements?
1.4 Response to the Commission's draft report
1.5 Structure of the report

2 The Evolution of Statutory Marketing Arrangements
2.1 Origins
2.2 Recent studies and changes
2.3 Recent changes in New Zealand
2.4 Enabling legislation for statutory marketing arrangements
2.5 Stated objectives and rationales
2.6 Powers
2.7 Characteristics in the 1990s

3 Evaluation of the objectives of Statutory Marketing Arrangements
3.1 How should objectives be evaluated?
3.2 Increasing returns to producers
3.3 Stabilising prices and production
3.4 Reducing marketing costs and stimulating demand
3.5 Providing assistance
3.6 Conclusion

4 The Effects of Statutory Marketing Arrangements
4.1 Efficiency effects on producers and buyers
4.2 Wider economic effects
4.3 Social and environmental effects

5 Institutional Issues
5.1 Trade practices issues
5.2 Tax issues
5.3 Co-operative legislation
5.4 Company legislation
5.5 Deregulating statutory marketing arrangements

6 Improving The Efficiency of Marketing
6.1 Priority areas
6.2 Review provisions
6.3 Objectives
6.4 Powers
6.5 Accountability
6.6 Assistance
6.7 Form of statutory marketing arrangement

A Inquiry procedures

B Participants and submissions

C IAC reports considering statutory marketing arrangements

D Statutory marketing arrangements and the Trade Practices Actv

E Objectives and powers of statutory marketing authorities

F Assistance from statutory marketing arrangements

G Economy-wide effects of statutory marketing arrangements



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