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Report on Government Services 2016

Chapter 4, Volume B

School education

This chapter reports on government funded primary and secondary school education. Some performance indicators are reported for government schools, non-government schools and school education as a whole.

Download the chapter

  • Key Facts
  • Indicator Framework
  • Indicator Results
  • Indigenous Data

This chapter reports on government funded primary and secondary school education. Some performance indicators are reported for government schools, non-government schools and school education as a whole.

There were 3.7 million full time equivalent school students enrolled in August 2014, in 9389 schools. Of these, 69.1 per cent of primary students and 59.3 per cent of secondary students were educated in government schools.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students were 6.5 per cent of full time students in government schools and 2.3 per cent of full time students in non-government schools, in 2014.

Recurrent expenditure by Australian, State and Territory governments on school education in 2012-13 was $50.4 billion, of which $38.5 billion was spent on government schools.

The goals for school education included in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians are presented in the chapter. These goals are:

Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence.

Goal 2: All young Australians become:

  • successful learners
  • confident and creative individuals
  • active and informed citizens.

The performance indicator framework provides information on equity, efficiency and effectiveness, and distinguishes the outputs and outcomes of school education. The performance indicator framework shows which data are complete and comparable in the 2016 Report.

Indicator Framework

An overview of the School education performance indicator results are presented. Information to assist the interpretation of these data can be found in the indicator interpretation boxes in the School education chapter and attachment tables.

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Equity — Access indicators

Attendance and participation

Years 7-10 attendance rate, all students, government schools, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 90.0 91.6 89.7 87.9 89.3 87.7 89.3 77.0 89.8
Source: Attachment table 4A.131

Years 7-10 attendance rate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, government schools, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 80.6 83.3 81.7 68.0 76.1 82.0 79.8 62.9 77.8
Source: Attachment table 4A.131

Years 7-10 attendance level, all students, government schools, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% na 74.7 66.3 63.8 67.3 64.7 66.4 44.1 68.5
Source: Attachment table 4A.137

Years 7-10 attendance level, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, government schools, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% na 50.7 44.9 26.8 35.9 52.9 37.6 21.2 38.7
Source: Attachment table 4A.137

Proportion of all children aged 6-15 years enrolled in school, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 99.8 101.2 100.9 98.8 101.0 99.3 110.7 95.3 100.4
Source: Attachment table 4A.116

Participation rate, 15-19 year olds, all schools, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 57.7 63.1 51.1 47.7 63.6 62.6 72.9 45.1 57.1
Source: Attachment table 4A.118

Proportion of the population aged 15-19 years who successfully completed at least one Unit of Competency as part of a VET qualification at AQF Certificate II or above, 2013

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 22.4 34.1 26.4 25.6 28.7 28.4 26.1 13.8 27.0
Source: Attachment table 4A.130


Apparent retention rate, year 7/8-10, full time secondary students, government schools, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 103.1 106.9 103.1 102.2 104.6 101.0 106.2 89.0 103.8
Source: Attachment table 4A.119

Apparent retention rate, year 10-12, full time students, government schools, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 72.5 79.8 80.6 87.0 86.6 70.1 107.6 68.8 78.6
Source: Attachment table 4A.120

Apparent retention rate, year 10-12, full time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, government schools, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 45.6 59.7 64.3 57.4 82.9 53.1 85.3 49.9 56.8
Source: Attachment table 4A.122

Efficiency — Inputs per output unit indicators

Recurrent expenditure per student

Government expenditure per FTE student, government schools, 2013-14 - Includes user cost of capital

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
$ 16 449 13 924 15 563 19 462 16 749 16 724 21 112 23 578 16 177
Source: Attachment table 4A.13

Government expenditure per FTE student, non-government schools, 2013-14

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
$ 9275 8697 9790 9937 9034 9877 8163 16 205 9327
Source: Attachment table 4A.16

Government recurrent expenditure on staff per FTE student in government schools, 2013-14

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
$ 10 572 8937 10 036 11 845 11 227 10 997 12 821 13 567 10 337
Source: Attachment table 4A.14.

User cost of capital per student

User cost of capital per FTE student, government schools, 2013-14

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
$ 2173 2100 2433 3889 1733 1794 3684 2590 2386
Source: Attachment table 4A.20

Student-to-staff ratio

Ratio of FTE students to FTE teaching staff, government primary schools, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
No. 15.6 15.3 15.3 16.2 14.9 14.8 13.3 12.2 15.4
Source: Attachment table 4A.23

Ratio of FTE students to FTE teaching staff, government secondary schools, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
No. 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.6 13.1 13.1 12.1 11.5 12.5
Source: Attachment table 4A.23

Outcome indicators

Learning outcomes

NAPLAN Reading performance - proportion of all year 3 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 95.3 ±0.3 95.5 ±0.4 95.0 ±0.4 93.0 ±0.6 93.4 ±0.8 92.9 ±1.2 95.2 ±1.2 71.1 ±5.7 94.6 ±0.2
Source: Attachment table 4A.36

NAPLAN Reading performance - proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander year 3 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 86.6 ±1.3 85.6 ±2.8 85.0 ±1.8 66.6 ±3.4 73.4 ±4.4 87.7 ±3.3 85.2 ±5.9 42.5 ±5.8 78.7 ±1.3
Source: Attachment table 4A.36

NAPLAN Reading performance - proportion of all year 9 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 92.6 ±0.6 93.5 ±0.7 91.8 ±0.7 93.2 ±1.0 91.6 ±1.3 91.4 ±1.7 94.0 ±1.8 66.2 ±9.3 92.3 ±0.3
Source: Attachment table 4A.36

NAPLAN Reading performance - proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander year 9 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 76.7 ±1.8 80.2 ±3.8 76.0 ±2.6 66.9 ±4.2 75.0 ±4.7 81.8 ±4.4 86.6 ±7.9 32.9 ±8.3 71.7 ±1.7
Source: Attachment table 4A.36

NAPLAN Numeracy performance - proportion of all year 3 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 94.7 ±0.3 95.3 ±0.4 95.0 ±0.4 93.7 ±0.6 92.8 ±0.9 94.0 ±1.2 96.0 ±1.0 75.0 ±5.4 94.4 ±0.2
Source: Attachment table 4A.64

NAPLAN Numeracy performance - proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander year 3 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 84.4 ±1.3 85.4 ±3.1 82.9 ±1.9 69.5 ±3.3 71.1 ±4.4 89.7 ±4.0 85.4 ±7.8 48.6 ±6.3 78.2 ±1.3
Source: Attachment table 4A.64

NAPLAN Numeracy performance - proportion of all year 9 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 95.8 ±0.4 95.6 ±0.6 96.3 ±0.5 96.4 ±0.6 95.0 ±1.0 95.8 ±1.1 95.2 ±1.7 79.1 ±6.9 95.7 ±0.2
Source: Attachment table 4A.64

NAPLAN Numeracy performance - proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander year 9 students achieving at or above national minimum standard, 2015

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 85.0 ±1.5 85.0 ±3.3 87.8 ±1.6 81.3 ±3.1 82.9 ±4.5 90.0 ±3.9 85.3 ±8.4 56.9 ±7.6 82.8 ±1.3
Source: Attachment table 4A.64

Information and Communication Technologies performance - proportion of year 6 students achieving at or above proficient standard, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 55 ±4.9 64 ±4.5 48 ±5.8 52 ±4.8 59 ±4.3 46 ±5.4 58 ±10.6 43 ±6.3 55 ±2.5
Source: Attachment table 4A.88
Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 50 ±5.5 55 ±5.9 47 ±5.6 57 ±5.8 57 ±5.9 51 ±5.8 60 ±9.1 43 ±9.1 52 ±2.5
Source: Attachment table 4A.88


Year 12 completion rate, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are not comparable but are complete (subject to caveats) (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 73 82 70 48 83 50 85 40 72
Source: Attachment table 4A.125


Proportion of 15-24 year old school leavers fully participating in education and/or training, or employment, 2014

Most recent data for this measure are comparable and complete, subject to caveats (chapter 4)
  NSW Vic Qld WA SA Tas ACT NT Aust
% 72.7 ±2.6 76.4 ±2.8 68.0 ±3.9 75.7 ±3.9 69.8 ±4.7 66.9 ±6.6 81.4 ±11.0 77.0 ±4.9 73.0 ±1.4
Source: Attachment table 4A.127


AQF = Australian Qualifications Framework.

FTE = Full time equivalent.

NAPLAN = National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy.

a Caveats for these data are available in chapter 4 and attachment 4A. Refer to the indicator interpretation boxes in chapter 4 for information to assist with the interpretation of data presented in this table.

b Some data are derived from detailed data in chapter 4 and attachment 4A.

.. Not applicable.

Source: Chapter 4 and attachment 4A

Performance indicator data for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in this chapter are available in the attachment tables listed below. Contextual data and further supporting information can be found in the chapter.

Indigenous school education data
Table number Table title
Table 4A.36 Proportion of year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard for NAPLAN reading, by Indigenous status and geolocation, 2015 (per cent)
Table 4A.38 Mean scale scores for reading, by Indigenous status and geolocation, 2015 (score points)
Table 4A.41 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, NSW
Table 4A.42 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Victoria
Table 4A.43 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Queensland
Table 4A.44 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Western Australia
Table 4A.45 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, South Australia
Table 4A.46 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Tasmania
Table 4A.47 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Australian Capital Territory
Table 4A.48 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Northern Territory
Table 4A.49 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN reading, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Australia
Table 4A.50 Proportion of year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard for NAPLAN persuasive writing, by Indigenous status and geolocation, 2015 (per cent)
Table 4A.52 NAPLAN Mean scale scores for persuasive writing, by Indigenous status and geolocation, 2015 (score points)
Table 4A.55 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, NSW
Table 4A.56 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Victoria
Table 4A.57 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Queensland
Table 4A.58 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Western Australia
Table 4A.59 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, South Australia
Table 4A.60 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Tasmania
Table 4A.61 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Australian Capital Territory
Table 4A.62 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Northern Territory
Table 4A.63 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN persuasive writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Australia
Table 4A.64 Proportion of year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard for NAPLAN numeracy, by Indigenous status and geolocation, 2015 (per cent)
Table 4A.66 NAPLAN Mean scale scores for numeracy, by Indigenous status and geolocation, 2015 (score points)
Table 4A.69 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, NSW
Table 4A.70 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Victoria
Table 4A.71 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy writing, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Queensland
Table 4A.72 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Western Australia
Table 4A.73 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, South Australia
Table 4A.74 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Tasmania
Table 4A.75 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Australian Capital Territory
Table 4A.76 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Northern Territory
Table 4A.77 Proportion of students who achieved at or above the national minimum standard and Mean scale scores for NAPLAN numeracy, and nature of differences, 2008 and 2014 to 2015, Australia
Table 4A.80 Proportion of year 6 students achieving at or above the proficient standard in science literacy performance in the National Assessment Program, by equity group, Australia (per cent)
Table 4A.85 Proportion of years 6 and 10 students achieving at or above the proficient standard in civics and citizenship performance in the National Assessment Program, by equity group, Australia (per cent)
Table 4A.89 Proportion of years 6 and 10 students achieving at or above the proficient standard in information and communication technologies performance in the National Assessment Program, by geolocation, Australia (per cent)
Table 4A.93 Proportion of 15 year old students achieving level 3 or above in the overall reading literacy scale in PISA assessments, by equity group, (per cent)
Table 4A.98 Proportion of 15 year old students achieving level 3 or above in the overall mathematical literacy scale in PISA assessments, by equity group (per cent)
Table 4A.103 Proportion of 15 year old students achieving level 3 or above in the overall scientific literacy scale in PISA assessments, by equity group (per cent)
Table 4A.111 Proportion of year 4 and year 8 students achieving at or above the intermediate international benchmark (per cent); and mean scores in mathematics achievement and science achievement in TIMSS 2011 assessments by equity group, Australia (per cent)
Table 4A.113 Proportion of year 4 students achieving at or above the intermediate international benchmark (per cent) and mean scores for 2011 PIRLS reading assessments by equity group, Australia
Table 4A.115 Mean scores of year 8 students for 2013 IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study assessment, by equity group
Table 4A.116 Proportion of children aged 6-15 years enrolled in school
Table 4A.119 Apparent retention rates of full time secondary students from year 7/8 to years 10, 11 and 12, 2014 (per cent)
Table 4A.121 Apparent retention rates of full time secondary students, all schools (per cent)
Table 4A.122 Apparent retention rates of full time secondary students, government schools (per cent)
Table 4A.123 Apparent retention rates of full time secondary students, non-government schools (per cent)
Table 4A.131 Student attendance rates, government schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2015 (per cent)
Table 4A.132 Student attendance rates, non-government schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2015 (per cent)
Table 4A.133 Student attendance rates, all schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2015 (per cent)
Table 4A.134 Student attendance rates, government schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2014 (per cent)
Table 4A.135 Student attendance rates, non-government schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2014 (per cent)
Table 4A.136 Student attendance rates, all schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2014 (per cent)
Table 4A.137 Student attendance level, government schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2015 (per cent)
Table 4A.138 Student attendance level, non-government schools, by Indigenous status and remoteness, 2015 (per cent)