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Report on Government Services 2015

Volume D

Emergency management

The Emergency management volume D includes performance reporting for Fire and ambulance services.

It also includes a sector overview for Emergency management. This volume was released on 30 January 2015.

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Download the sector overview

This sector overview provides an introduction to the Fire and ambulance services (chapter 9) chapter of this Report. It provides an overview of the emergency management sector, presenting both contextual information and high level performance information.

Sector performance indicator framework

This sector overview is based on a sector performance indicator framework and is made up of the following elements:

  • Sector objectives — five sector objectives reflect the key objectives of emergency management.
  • Sector wide indicators — three sector wide indicators relate to the overarching service sector objectives identified in the National Disaster Resilience Statement and the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience.
  • Information from the service specific performance indicator frameworks that relate to emergency services. Discussed in more detail in chapter 9, the service specific frameworks provide comprehensive information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of these services.

Sector objectives

    • Governments, business, NGOs and individuals strengthen the nation's resilience to disasters and emergency events
    • Prevention/ mitigation — prevent or mitigate against the severity of emergency events
    • Preparedness — prepare the community to cope with the effect
    • Response — to ensure the effects of an emergency event are minimised
    • Recovery — the restoration of emotional, social, economic and physical wellbeing

Sector-wide indicators

    • Community preparedness for emergency events
    • Deaths from emergency events
    • Total asset loss from emergency events

Service-specific performance indicator frameworks


Fire and ambulance services

The Fire and ambulance services chapter (chapter 9) reports on the performance of governments in providing emergency management services provided in the event of fire and out of hospital medical emergency events.

Printed copies

Printed copies of this report can be purchased from Canprint Communications.

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