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A SALTER Database Aggregation Facility

Salter Working Paper Number 22

A SALTER Database Aggregation Facility by Marianne James and Robert McDougall is Working Paper number 22 in the development of The SALTER Model of the World Economy.

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1   SALTER background

2   Overview of the aggregation facility
Process-oriented aggregation
Outcomes-oriented aggregation
Aggregation errors arising from information losses
Aggregation errors arising from restrictions on functional forms
Aggregation errors arising from cross-system restrictions

3   Theoretical structure of the aggregation facility
Overview of SALTER
Background on database aggregation
Outcomes-oriented aggregation
Process-oriented aggregation
An example

4   Implementation and application of the aggregation facility

Appendix A   TABLO correspondence for the import consumption parameter

Appendix B   Primary factor demand

Appendix C   Intermediate use

Appendix D   Tables of correspondence

Appendix E   Stored input files


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