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Citrus growing and processing

Inquiry report

Released 18 / 06 / 2002

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  • Contents

Cover, Copyright, Opportunity for further comment, Contents, Terms of reference, Abbreviations, Key messages, Findings, Requests for Information, Overview

1   Introduction
1.1   Background to this inquiry
1.2   Conduct of the inquiry
1.3   Report structure

2   Citrus markets
2.1   Introduction
2.2   Recent trends in production and prices
2.3   Fresh fruit markets
2.4   Juice markets
2.5   Market links

3   Growing sector
3.1   Characteristics of citrus growing in Australia
3.2   Financial performance
3.3   Cost competitiveness of the growing sector

4   Other sectors of the citrus industry
4.1   Overview of the citrus supply chain
4.2   Citrus packing
4.3   Processing and converting sector
4.4   Export agents

5   Factors affecting the outlook for the citrus industry
5.1   Changing consumer preferences
5.2   Competitive advantage of overseas producers of FCOJ
5.3   Australia’s competitive advantage in fresh fruit and fresh juice
5.4 Macroeconomic developments
5.5   Innovation
5.6   Diversity and risk management
5.7   Cost and availability of key inputs
5.8   Outlook

6   Government policies and programs
6.1   The Commission’s approach
6.2   Rationale for government involvement
6.3   Impact and effectiveness of programs to improve competitiveness and economic efficiency
6.4   Impact and effectiveness of programs to facilitate adjustment to economic change

7   Potential impediments to international trade
7.1   Market access
7.2   Export control powers

8   Potential impediments in domestic markets
8.1   Labelling laws
8.2   Cost and availability of inputs
8.3   Market power of supermarkets and processors

9   Are further measures needed?
9.1   Assessment
9.2   Impediments to industry performance
9.3   Outlook

A   Conduct of the inquiry
A.1   List of submissions
A.2   Visits
A.3   Public hearings

B   Productivity Commission estimates of local (farmgate) unit values
B.1   Estimation of value added in packing fresh fruit
B.2   Estimation of transport cost to processors
B.3   Adjustment to local value

C   Cost of production estimates
C.1   NSW Agriculture
C.2   Primary Industries and Resources South Australia

D   Supplementary information on government policies and programs
D.1   Citrus boards
D.2   Horticulture Australia Limited
D.3   Effective rates of assistance
D.4   Citrus Market Diversification Program
D.5 Rural Partnership Program
D.6   Export Market Development Grant Scheme

E   Technical discussions on quarantine barriers
E.1   General process
E.2   Case studies
