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Education and training workforce: Early childhood development

Partial equilibrium model

The Commission has undertaken modelling to assist it in evaluating the workforce impacts of reforms to the early childhood education and care sector. Details of the modelling work are documented in appendix E of the research report. The Commission is also making publicly available the computer files to run the models under the conditions set out below.

Productivity Commission conditions for using the computer files

  • The Commission will not provide users of these programs with any support.
  • The Commission accepts no liability for any errors in the programs.
  • Users of the programs, including users that derive new variations of the model, should acknowledge the Productivity Commission. The appropriate citation is:
    Productivity Commission 2011, Early Childhood Development Workforce, Research Report, Melbourne.

In downloading these programs, you are accepting these conditions.

System requirements

Users of these programs require licensed software to be able to run and solve the models, including:

Download the model files

After downloading the model, unzip the file. A user’s guide to the model is included with the download and provides instructions on how to run the model.