Media releases
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Australian adult literacy above OECD average
Released 29 / 05 / 2014
Australian adults are above the OECD average in literacy but only average in numeracy, according to a staff paper released by the Productivity Commission.

Australia's productivity performance
Released 29 / 04 / 2014
The Chairman of the Productivity Commission, Peter Harris, has released the 2014 edition of the PC Productivity Update. This edition provides the Commission's perspective on the latest developments underpinning Australia's productivity performance.

Report on Government Services 2014
Released 28 / 01 / 2014
This year marks the nineteenth edition of the Report on Government Services. The Report is produced by a Steering Committee of senior officials from Australian, State and Territory governments for the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

Valuing environmental outcomes
Released 14 / 01 / 2014
A new Productivity Commission Staff Working Paper provides an up to date guide to valuing environmental outcomes. The paper concludes that non-market assessments can, if handled effectively, make a valuable contribution to policy and project assessment, including for major projects.