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Report on Government Services 2001

Archived report

The content below was current as at the time of preparing the 2001 report, released on 31 January 2001.

For the most up to date information and interactive charts visit the latest RoGS report.

This report was released on 31 January 2001. It has been produced by the Steering Committee for the Review of Commonwealth/State Service Provision (SCRCSSP). The report has been published in two volumes. Also released with the report are attachment tables.

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Cover, Copyright, Foreword, Contents, Acronyms and Abbreviations, Glossary, Terms of Reference

Appendix A Statistical appendix (Updated 24 April 2001)


The following data were amended after the Report went to print. All chapters and attachment tables have been amended on the website to reflect these errata.

Chapter 3 School education

Table 3A.60 Total government expenditure on government schools in WA in 1998-99 was $1 552 398, and the breakdown of this expenditure is reflected in the revised table 3A.60 on the Review web page.

Table 3A.68 Average expenditure per student in WA for 1998-99 has been revised in table 3A.68 on the Review web page.

Table 3A.72 Participation rates for government schools in SA in 1997 should be 51.9 to age 16 year, 31.9 to age 17 years, 4.7 to age 18 years and 1.1 to age 19 years.

Attachment 3A has been updated on the Review web page to reflect these changes.

Chapter 12 Aged care services

Table 12A.28 Time span for latest data should read July 1999-June 2000, not January 2000-June 2000.

Attachment 12A has been updated on the Review web page to reflect this change.

Chapter 12 Services for people with a disability

Page 612 Table 13.2 and Table 13A.10, people with a profound or severe core activity restriction and the total population in the labour force, 1998. Labour force participation rate for people with a profound/severe core activity restriction for Australia should be 35 per cent, not 59 per cent. Employment rate for people with a profound/severe core activity restriction for Australia should be 89 per cent, not 81 per cent.

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