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Supporting research and data

Commission staff undertake supporting research and analysis, data compilation and model development in support of our inquiry and study activity.

Review of the Export Market Development Grants Scheme

01 / 03 / 2000

The submission covers: Effects of EMDGS on exports; Framework for analysis; Overview of The Export Market Development Grants Scheme; Role of government.

Using consumer views in performance indicators for children's services

22 / 02 / 2000

This report written by Lyn Gain was commissioned by the Steering Committee for the Review of Commonwealth/State Service Provision. The views expressed in the report are those of the consultant, Lyn Gain, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Steering Committee or the Children's Services Working Group (and their respective agencies).

The structure of the FTAP model

01 / 02 / 2000

The structure of the FTAP model

Telecommunications prices and price changes

21 / 12 / 1999

This benchmarking report compares Australian telecommunications prices, price changes and regulatory arrangements with those in nine other OECD countries.

The role of training and innovation in workplace performance

16 / 12 / 1999

This paper examines the importance of employee training and workplace innovation in determining both labour productivity levels and growth in Australian workplaces.

Regulation and its review 1998-99

30 / 11 / 1999

This report forms part of the Commission's annual report series and meets its obligation to report annually on compliance with the Commonwealth's requirements for the making and review of regulations.

NCC Review of the WA rail access regime

10 / 11 / 1999

NCC Review of the WA rail access regime

National Competition Policy review of pharmacy regulation

04 / 11 / 1999

The submission covers the community pharmacy sector, current regulatory arrangements, benefits and costs of the regulations and some alternative approaches.

Progress in rail reform

03 / 11 / 1999

On 3 November 1999 Commissioner Helen Owens addressed AusRail99, with a speech titled Progress in Rail Reform.

Payroll tax in the costing of government services

14 / 10 / 1999

A Steering Committee research paper on the effects of payroll tax on the provision of government services.

Linking inputs and outputs: Activity measurement by police services

04 / 10 / 1999

A Steering Committee research paper on the use of activity measurement by Australasian police agencies.

Grey-letter law

09 / 09 / 1999

rey-Letter Law is the report of the Commonwealth Interdepartmental Committee on quasi-regulation.

Work arrangements on large capital city building projects

24 / 08 / 1999

The report describes how work arrangements on large capital city building projects affect work performance. It evaluates the changes in work arrangements since the late 1980's and provides an assessment of the impediments to further necessary changes.

Productivity and the structure of employment

26 / 07 / 1999

This paper examines whether multifactor productivity growth is associated with changes in key characteristics of employment.

Impact of competition enhancing air services agreements: A network modelling approach

19 / 07 / 1999

This research paper supplements appendix F (Impact of Liberalised International Air Services Agreements) of the inquiry report, International Air Services. It provides the technical details to the model developed during the inquiry.

Industry Economics Conference 1999

12 / 07 / 1999

The 1999 Industry Economics Conference, organised by the Productivity Commission in conjunction with Monash University, was held in Melbourne on 12 and 13 July 1999. The theme of the conference, Regulation, Competition and Industry Structure, reflects the current interest in competition policy issues and the evolution of the industry regulatory frameworks.

The new economy? A new look at Australia's productivity performance

09 / 06 / 1999

This paper uses a new methodology to assess the implications of Australia's productivity performance for growth in output and living standards.

Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights

28 / 05 / 1999

This paper describes and analyses from an economic perspective major issues in the area of intellectual property rights.

Structural adjustment - Exploring the policy issues

21 / 05 / 1999

A workshop organised by the Commission to explore how policy issues relating to structural adjustment are central to the debate on the future direction of microeconomic reform.

Victorian dairy industry review

01 / 04 / 1999

Productivity Commission Submission to the Victorian Dairy Industry Review


About our research

The Commission has a statutory mandate to conduct a program of research to support its inquiries, annual reporting and other responsibilities, including promoting community awareness and understanding of various productivity and regulatory issues.

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