Supporting research and data
Commission staff undertake supporting research and analysis, data compilation and model development in support of our inquiry and study activity.
Review of price controls on Telstra
31 / 03 / 1999
Review of price controls on Telstra
The implications of ageing for education policy
18 / 03 / 1999
This conference paper considers both macroeconomic and microeconomic issues related to population ageing and implications for education policy.
Policy implications of the Ageing of Australia's Population Conference
18 / 03 / 1999
Proceedings of a conference convened by the Productivity Commission and the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research on the policy implications of the ageing of Australia's population, held 18-19 March 1999.
Australian telecommunications services
17 / 03 / 1999
This international benchmarking report compares the performance of Australian telecommunications services industry with those of other countries.
A guide to regulation (1998)
29 / 01 / 1999
The second edition of A Guide to Regulation set out the Government's requirements for regulation making and review. This Guide has been superseded by the Best Practice Regulation Handbook (2007)
Review of approaches to satisfaction surveys of clients of disability services
15 / 12 / 1998
This report, commissioned by the Steering Committee for the Review of Commonwealth/State Service Provision, details the effectiveness of Australia's disability services from clients prospective.
Regulation and its review 1997-98
10 / 12 / 1998
Annual report on compliance with the Government's requirements for the making and review of regulations. The Government requires departments and agencies to prepare Regulation Impact Statements to ensure regulatory action is well informed and achieves intended goals.
Tasmanian dairy industry review
30 / 11 / 1998
Productivity Commission Submission to the Tasmanian Dairy Industry Review
Industry competitiveness, trade and the environment
27 / 11 / 1998
This workshop, held in Melbourne on 27 November 1998, addresses the growing concerns in government, business and the community about the linkages between international trade policy and environmental policies.
Australia's restrictions on trade in financial services
19 / 11 / 1998
This paper Identifies and classifies potential restrictions on trade in financial services in Australia.
Youth wages and employment
16 / 10 / 1998
A staff research paper that focuses on youth employment (rather than unemployment) and examines the factors influencing the demand for youth workers, and the interaction between youth and adult employment.
Work arrangements in the Australian meat processing industry
09 / 10 / 1998
The report examines selected work arrangements and assesses their implications for the performance of meat processing enterprises. The effects on employees are also considered, and the scope to achieve further necessary change is analysed.
Outcome measurement in child protection
14 / 09 / 1998
This report was written by Lyn Gain and Lawrie Young for the Steering Committee for the Review of Commonwealth/State Service Provision. The views expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Steering Committee or the Productivity Commission. This report examines the current state of development of child protection and supported placement outcome measures, as reported in the international English language literature.
National satisfaction survey of clients of disability services
14 / 09 / 1998
The report was commissioned by the Steering Committee for the Review of Commonwealth/State Service Provision and the National Disability Administrators in March 1999, and was funded from the Commonwealth/State Disability Agreement national research and development fund. The survey compared the satisfaction of clients of disability services across jurisdictions and across services within jurisdictions.
Implementing reforms in government services 1998
02 / 09 / 1998
The report comprises case studies of recent reforms in different government service areas in four jurisdictions. These are education (devolution of decision making in Victorian Government schools), health (use of competitive tendering for NSW Public Hospital services), disability services (offering direct consumer funding and choice in WA disability services ), and courts (applying prices for court reporting services for Commonwealth Courts).
Review of the NSW Rural Assistance Act
01 / 09 / 1998
The submission provides comments to the review of the NSW Rural Assistance Act 1989.
Design principles for small business programs and regulations
21 / 08 / 1998
This paper focuses on small business issues and provides a guide for design, implementation and evaluation of small business programs and regulations.
APEC early voluntary sectoral liberalisation
31 / 07 / 1998
This paper examines selected EVSL initiatives first nominated by APEC members at their Vancouver meeting in November 1997.
Industry Economics Conference 1998
06 / 07 / 1998
The theme of the 1998 Industry Economics Conference, organised by the Australian National University and the Productivity Commission, is privatisation, regulation and reform.
A comparison of institutional arrangements for road provision
30 / 06 / 1998
A comparison of four institutional approaches to road provision: the traditional 'departmental' approach, output-based management, an effective road fund and a public utility model.