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Intrastate aviation

Industry Commission inquiry report

Signed 17 / 07 / 1992

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  • Contents

Cover, Copyright, Signing Page, Contents, Abbreviations, Overview, Findings and Recommendations

1 Introduction

2 Industry Structure and Markets
2.1 Structure of domestic aviation
2.2 Intrastate aviation markets

3 The Policy Environment
3.1 The powers of the Commonwealth and states/territories
3.2 Regulation of interstate aviation
3.3 State and territory licensing systems

4 Economic Regulation of Intrastate Aviation
4.1 Objectives of regulation
4.2 Costs of regulation
4.3 Conclusions
4.4 Summary of recommendations

5 Provision of Airport Infrastructure
5.1 Relationship to government
5.2 Cost recovery
5.3 Structure of airport charges
5.4 Access to terminals
5.5 The need for competitive discipline
5.6 Summary of recommendations

6 Regulatory Framework For Aviation Safety
6.1 Role and operations of the Civil Aviation Authority
6.2 Relationship to government
6.3 Charges for CAA facilities and services
6.4 Summary of recommendations

A Inquiry participants

B Evolution of interstate aviation policy

C Rural air subsidies

D Overseas experience

E Analysis of intrastate air fares

F Deregulation and thin routes

G Principles of efficient airport pricing


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