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Raw material pricing for domestic use

Industry Commission inquiry report

Released 01 / 04 / 1992

The report contains the findings of the Industry Commission public inquiry, in response to a request from the Commonwealth Government, into the relationship between the export prices of locally produced raw materials (except wool) and the prices at which they are available to domestic users, and on institutional, regulatory or other arrangements subject to influence by governments in Australia which lead to inefficient resource use.

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  • Contents

Cover, Copyright, Signing Page, Contents, Overview, Findings and Recommendations, Terms of Reference

1 The Inquiry
1.1 Terms of reference and scope of the inquiry
1.2 Inquiry approach and process
1.3 Report structure

2 Current Pricing Practices
2.1 What is efficient pricing?
2.2 Identified pricing practices
2.3 Conclusions

3 Case Study Findings
3.1 Refined copper
3.2 Feedstock for steel pipe and tube
3.3 Pulpwood
3.4 Raw and refined sugar
3.5 Conclusions

4 Government Interventions
4.1 Statutory marketing arrangements
4.2 Government provision of goods
4.3 Tariffs
4.4 Anti-dumping
4.5 Trade Practices Act
4.6 Prices Surveillace Authority
4.7 Petroleum Resource Rent Tax
4.8 Other government interventions

Appendix A Raw materials - selected statistics

Appendix B Inquiry process and participants

Appendix C The pricing of refined copper

Appendix D The pricing of feedstock for steel pipe and tube

Appendix E The pricing of pulpwood

Appendix F The pricing of raw and refined sugar

Appendix G Petroleum Resource Rent Tax



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