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Media releases

Our media releases provide informative statements for media outlets and the wider-community about our broad range of work.

For media enquiries, call our Media team on 02 6240 3330 or email

Innovation by the many, not just the few

Released 26 / 09 / 2022

With only between one and two per cent of Australian businesses producing new to the world innovation, consideration must be given to how to help the other 98 per cent adopt and adapt existing technologies and practices to improve performance...

Reforms needed to lift student outcomes

Released 14 / 09 / 2022

To lift student outcomes the Commonwealth and States and Territories need to forge a new agreement focused on driving effective change in our schools and classrooms.

Container port underperformance costs all Australians

Released 09 / 09 / 2022

Lifting productivity at our container ports could save business and consumers $605 million each year. Reform could achieve consistent, high performance, according to a draft report released by the Productivity Commission today.

Australia's data and digital dividend

Released 23 / 08 / 2022

Digital technologies and data are increasingly important for Australia’s economy. Policies that promote digital innovation and adoption are needed to drive productivity growth.

Assistance efficacy vital for meeting challenges to Australia’s prosperity

Released 05 / 08 / 2022

With the cost of living rapidly rising, Australia near full employment, and significant challenges to the global economic landscape, there has never been a more important time for the Commonwealth to ensure that assistance to industry is efficient and effective.

Productivity: The key to prosperity

Released 03 / 08 / 2022

Productivity growth, based on the spread of new, useful ideas, is the key to Australia’s continued prosperity. But the future pattern of innovation and growth could look different from that of the 20th century, according to a report by...

Closing the Gap Agreement: more information is now available, but further time and data are needed to say if lives are improving

Released 28 / 07 / 2022

The Productivity Commission today released the second Annual Data Compilation Report. It provides a point-in-time snapshot of data for monitoring progress under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, signed in July 2020.

Productivity Commission proposes new protections for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visual arts and crafts

Released 19 / 07 / 2022

Two in three Indigenous-style souvenirs are inauthentic, with no connection to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Commission is calling for mandatory labelling of inauthentic products to warn consumers, and other measures.

Report on Government Services 2022

Released 25 / 01 / 2022

The Report on Government Services provides a public report card on the performance of Australian governments in the delivery of important services to the community.

Is the price right? Time to re-think public transport fares

Released 15 / 12 / 2021

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on public transport use in Australian cities, but the Productivity Commission has warned against knee jerk reactions like free travel or big fare reductions, in a new report.

Inheritances are growing, but not driving inequality

Released 07 / 12 / 2021

The Productivity Commission has released the first comprehensive research report on wealth transfers in Australia to improve understanding of the impact inheritances and gifts on the distribution of wealth.

Australia’s prison dilemma

Released 29 / 10 / 2021

Despite falling crime rates, imprisonment in Australia is at a historic high. A report released today by the Productivity Commission says this is happening across all states and territories.

New lending options boost small business and the economy

Released 30 / 09 / 2021

Changes to lending markets over the last decade means there are now a wide range of finance options available for small businesses that don’t require property as security, according to a new report by the Productivity Commission.

Forced experiment working from home

Released 16 / 09 / 2021

The shift to working from home caused by the pandemic is one of the greatest changes to the way we work in the last fifty years.

Providing transparency over foreign-owned water

Released 17 / 08 / 2021

A draft report released by the Productivity Commission has found that the Register of foreign owned water provides the community with an authoritative source of information on the level and use of foreign water entitlements and should be retained.

Few vulnerabilities in Australian supply chains

Released 13 / 08 / 2021

Australia’s supply chains have been disrupted by COVID and trade tensions, but most essential supply chains have proven resilient, according to a report released today by the Productivity Commission.

Closing the Gap: It's not just about the end point, but how we get there

Released 29 / 07 / 2021

The Productivity Commission today released the first Annual Data Compilation Report. It provides a point-in-time snapshot of measurement under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Pandemic led to significant new industry assistance

Released 13 / 07 / 2021

Significant new emergency assistance measures — including assistance provided to industry — were rolled out in 2019-20 to help prevent job losses and maintain viable businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Productivity Insights: Recent developments

Released 16 / 06 / 2021

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on productivity was unprecedented. The effects varied across industries and are continuing to play out throughout Australia.

Making everyday products easy to repair

Released 11 / 06 / 2021

A draft report by the Productivity Commission on a ‘right to repair’ outlines some measures governments could take to assist consumers to get their products repaired.