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Report on Government Services 2024

The Report on Government Services (RoGS) provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia. The 2024 RoGS was progressively released between 22 January and 5 February 2024. A mid-year data update aims to improve the timeliness of information in the RoGS and was released on 28 May 2024. The mid-year release provides new data for a sub-set of indicators in the following sections:

The Report on Government Services and the Performance Reporting Dashboard are currently being reviewed by the Council on Federal Financial Relations (CFFR). The review will consider the objectives, scope, use and effectiveness of the RoGS and the Dashboard, and opportunities to streamline and improve these performance reporting arrangements. To learn more about the review and access the Terms of Reference go to Review of the Report on Government Services and the Performance Reporting Dashboard –

Data downloads RoGS 2024

A Approach to performance reporting

Part A includes an introduction to the Report on Government Services 2024, Statistical context for the service-specific parts B to G, the Glossary and the Acronyms and abbreviations list.

B Child care, education and training

Part B includes performance reporting for Early childhood education and care (ECEC), School education and Vocational education and training (VET).

C Justice

Part C includes performance reporting for Police services, Courts and Corrective services.

D Emergency management

Part D includes performance reporting for Emergency services for fire and other events.

E Health

Part E includes performance reporting for Primary and community health, Ambulance services, Public hospitals and Services for mental health.

F Community services

Part F includes performance reporting for Aged care services, Services for people with disability, Child protection services and Youth justice services.

G Housing and homelessness

Part G includes performance reporting for Housing and Homelessness services.

Printed copies

Printed copies of the complete set of volumes for this report can be purchased from Canprint Communications.

Please note: If you do not need the whole Report then you can purchase individual volumes from their respective web pages.

This publication is only available online.

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