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Healthcare productivity

Commission research

Healthcare accounts for a large and growing share of Australia’s economy, increasing the importance of measuring and enhancing its performance.

These companion research papers will propose ways to better measure the productivity of Australia’s health sector and consider how digital technology could be leveraged to improve productivity.

Leveraging digital technology to lift healthcare productivity

Digital technology is transforming the way we manage our health.

Building on the Commission’s recent 5-year Productivity inquiry report Advancing prosperity and previous health projects, in particular Mental health (2020) and Innovations in care for chronic health conditions (2021), this research will consider how governments can leverage digital technology to improve patient outcomes and productivity in healthcare based on a selection of case studies.

Expected release date

7 May 2024



Measuring healthcare productivity (completed)

Measures of healthcare productivity can help identify drivers of efficiency. But measuring the sector’s productivity is challenging. This research proposes ways to improve the measurement of healthcare productivity growth in Australia and benchmark the productivity of Australia’s healthcare sector against that of other countries.

A research paper titled Advances in measuring healthcare productivity was released on 23 April 2024.

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