Performance monitoring and benchmarking and other services to government bodies
The Commission provides secretariat and research support to the inter-governmental Steering Committee for Review of Government Service Provision. With the Commission’s support, the Steering Committee undertakes three streams of reporting for the Council of Australian Governments.
Report on Government Services
The annual Report on Government Services (RoGS) provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of a range of government services, including health, education, justice, housing and community services. The RoGS encourages improved service delivery, by providing governments, taxpayers and users of services with meaningful, balanced, credible, comparative information.
Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report (OID)
The OID is a regular report on outcomes for Indigenous Australians, across a strategic framework of indicators. This report’s long-term objective is to inform Australian governments and Indigenous people about whether policies and programs are achieving positive outcomes for Indigenous people.
Indigenous Expenditure Report
The Indigenous Expenditure Report provides estimates of expenditure on services to Indigenous Australians. These expenditure estimates, when combined with other information (such as levels of Indigenous disadvantage) are intended to contribute to a better understanding of the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of government services provided to Indigenous Australians.