Australia's urban water sector
Public hearings
Sydney - 9 November 2010
- Local Government and Shires Associations of New South Wales: Mr Sascha Moege
- Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal: Mr Jim Cox
- Australian Council of Social Services: Mr Tony Westmore
- Nubian Water Systems: Mr Phil Krasnostein
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre: Mr Louis Schetzer
- Mr Laurence Jones
- T Bowring and Associates Pty Ltd: Mr Terry Bowring
Canberra 29 November 2010
- ACTEW Corporation: Kerry McIlwraith and Ross Knee
- Sydney Water: Dr Kerry Schott, Stuart Wilson and Alan Ramsey
- Infrastructure Australia: Rory Brennan
- Water Services Association of Australia: Ross Young and Adam Lovell
- National Water Commission: James Cameron and Will Fargher
- Prof Quentin Grafton
- Dr Terence Dwyer
Melbourne 30 November 2010
- Local Government Association of Queensland: Greg Hoffman and Simone Talbot
- National Competition Council: John Feil and Jessamine Lumley
- Coliban Water: Gavin Hanlon and Jarrah O'Shea
- Alison Joseph
- Yarra Valley Water: Tony Kelly and Brett Mathieson
- Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre: Jo Benvenuti and Caitlin Whiteman
Adelaide 7 December 2010
- City of Salisbury: Colin Pitman
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE): John Radcliffe
- Water Quality Research Australia: Jodieann Dawe
- South Australian Government: Julia Grant and Steven Morton
- CSIRO Land and Water: Peter Dillon
Perth 8 December 2010
- Water Corporation: Lloyd Werner
- Department of Water: Warren Tierney
- Economic Regulation Authority: Lyndon Rowe and Greg Watkinson
- Resource Economics Unit: Jonathan Thomas
- City of Wanneroo: Nicola Hoey
- Doug Hall
- Marsden Jacob Associates: Phil Pickering
Hobart 13 December 2010
- Local Government Association of Tasmania: Allan Garcia
- Southern Water: Mike Paine
- Dianne Thorley
Sydney 31 May 2011
- Australian Water Association: Tom Mollenkopf and Andrew Speers
- Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal: Jim Cox
- Centroc and Lower Macquarie Water Utilities Alliance: Jennifer Bennet and Daryl McGregor
- NSW Water Directorate: Stewart McLeod and Daryl McGregor
- Midcoast Water: Neil Hanington
- Infrastructure Australia: Rory Brennan
- H20 Organiser: Robert Porter-Coote
- Australian River Deltas: David Allen and Greg Sims
- Richard Tooth
- Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW: Sascha Moege
Brisbane 1 June 2011
- Local Government Association of Queensland: Greg Hoffman and Simone Talbot
- Council of Mayors (SEQ)
- Richard Koerner
- Laurence Jones
Canberra 6 June 2011
- Professor Peter Collignon
- Water Factory Company: Terry Leckie
- Riverina Water County Council: Graeme Haley, Rod Kendall and Greg Finlayson
- Australian Services Union: Greg McLean and Robert Potter
- Professor Terry Dwyer
- Wagga Wagga City Council: Heinz Kausche, Geoff Veneris and Daryl McGregor
- Water Services Association of Australia: Adam Lovell and Craig Fenton
- Geoff Dickinson
- Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission: Malcolm Grayand and Mike Buckley
- ACTEW Corporation: Mark Sullivan and Kerry McIlwraith
Melbourne 10 June 2011
- Institute of Public Affairs: Alan Moran
- Market Reform: Larry Ruff and Geoffrey Swier
- Waterwise Systems: Peter Wilson
- Yarra Valley Water: Tony Kelly, Pat McCafferty and Brett Matheson
- SA Health: David Cunliffe
- Neil Nicholas
- Water Corporation: Lloyd Werner