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Report on Government Services

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The content below was current as at the time of preparing the 2003 report, released on 7 February 2003.

For the most up to date information and interactive charts visit the latest RoGS report.

This report was released on 7 February 2003. It has been produced by the Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision (SCRGSP). The report has been published in two volumes. Also released with the report are attachment tables. These are not part of the printed report but are available on this web page.

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The following data were amended after Report on Government Services 2003 went to print.

Education Preface

Page B.15 - table B.9: unit costs for the ACT, the NT and Australian government primary schools, and Australian government secondary schools are incorrect. As a consequence the percentage differences from the national averages are also incorrect.

Protection and Support Services

Child protection efficiency data

An error has been identified in the 2001-02 child protection efficiency data presented in the 2003 Report. The error reflects the inadvertent use of 2000-01 data as the denominator for the indicators and affects the commentary on pages 15.30 and 15.32, figure 15.13 and table 15A.2 (see revised content below). The expenditure, notification, investigation and substantiation data for 2001-02 are correct and unchanged.

The revised 2001-02 child protection efficiency data are lower for all jurisdictions than the erroneously published data. This reflects an increase in the reported number of notifications, investigations and substantiations between 2000-01 and 2001-02.

Revised content - Child protection efficiency indicator results

Total expenditure on child protection per notification in 2001-02 ranged from $3420 in WA to $1769 in SA (excluding Tasmania and the ACT) (figure 15.12a). Total expenditure on child protection per investigation in 2001-02 ranged from $6007 in Victoria to $2585 in Queensland (excluding Tasmania and the ACT) (figure 15.12b). Total expenditure on child protection per substantiation in 2001-02 ranged from $14 827 in NSW to $5933 in Queensland (excluding Tasmania and the ACT) (figure 15.12c).

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