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Report on Government Services

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This report was released on 31 January 2007. It has been produced by the Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision (SCRGSP). The report has been published in two volumes. Also released with the report are attachment tables. These are not part of the printed report but are available on this web page.

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Media release

The twelfth edition of the Report on Government Services is being released.

The Report examines the performance of all governments providing education, justice, emergency management, health, community services and housing. These services account for 60 per cent of government recurrent expenditure and over 10 per cent of gross domestic product.

The Report, under a collaborative process initiated by Heads of Government in July 1993, is produced by a Steering Committee comprising senior officials from Australian, State and Territory governments. It is chaired by Gary Banks, Chairman of the Productivity Commission.

Mr Banks acknowledged governments' ongoing commitment to performance reporting, with the Report's quality and scope improving again this year. He drew attention to additional learning outcomes for schools and new public hospital workforce sustainability indicators. Information is reported for the first time on the ‘availability of dentists' and on disability prevalence rates among Indigenous Australians.

Gary Banks observed that, despite such improvements, significant gaps in reporting remain. He said that reporting on services to Indigenous Australians is a priority, and noted that there is a pressing need to improve administrative data collections for Indigenous people, if progress is to be effectively monitored. (The data in this report complement the Review's separate publication, Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators, the third issue of which will be published in June 2007.)


The following errata have been issued for the Report on Government Services 2007. All chapters and attachment tables on the web site have been amended to reflect these errata.

Chapter 1 The approach to performance measurement

Text and figure 1.1 relating to estimated government recurrent expenditure have been corrected.

Part B Education preface

Text relating to the average dollar spent per student in non-government schools have been revised due to the correction in calculations made to the average number of FTE figures in non-government schools in table 3A.6.

Chapter 3 School education

A calculation relating to the average number of FTE students in non-government schools in 2004-05 has been corrected in table 3A.6. The formula had been incorrectly applied to the data.

Chapter 4 Vocational education and training

Some historical participation data relating to all jurisdictions have been corrected. The revisions affected attachment tables 4A.8 and 4A.9.

Chapter 6 Court administration

The pending caseload data, and backlog indicator results, for both the civil jurisdiction of the WA magistrates’ court and the Federal Court (non-appeal), have been corrected. The revisions affect attachment table 6A.18 and table 6.10 in the 2007 Report.

Part E Health preface

The figure E.2 has been revised.

Chapter 14 Children's services

Data relating to the real average fees paid for child care services in 2004 for all jurisdictions have been corrected (Table 14A.26 in the attachment). The deflator calculation had been incorrectly applied to the data.

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Cover, Copyright, Foreword, Contents, Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision, Acronyms and abbreviations, Glossary and Terms of reference

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