PC News - August 2014
Newsletter of the Productivity Commission - formerly known as PC update.
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Productivity Commission News
Commission news focussing on new commissioned projects and this year's Richard Snape Lecture presented by Professor Joseph Stiglitz.

Child care and early childhood learning: future options
A recent Commission draft report recommends an overhaul of existing funding arrangements for childcare and early childhood learning, including replacing the existing array of childcare subsidies with a single means- and activity-tested payment, which would also apply to appropriately qualified nannies.

Reforming public infrastructure
The Commission has identified an urgent need to improve how public infrastructure projects are selected, funded, financed and delivered.

Access to justice arrangements
A number of barriers prevent Australians from resolving civil disputes in a timely and affordable way. Wide ranging reforms recommended in a recent Commission draft report have the potential to improve both the visibility and accessibility of the various avenues available to people to resolve their disputes.

Should the National Access regime be retained?
In its recent report on the National Access Regime, the Commission recommended that the Regime should be retained, and made a number of recommendations to improve its operation.

Improving resource exploration in Australia
In a recent inquiry report, the Productivity Commission made a number of recommendations aimed at improving the regulatory environment for exploration activities.

Costs of doing business - Retail trade and dairy product manufacturing
In recent interim reports, the Commission examined the costs of doing business in two Australian industries - retail trade and dairy product manufacturing.

Tasmanian shipping and freight - how effective are current arrangements?
The Commission recommended a number of changes to existing subsidy schemes for Tasmanian shipping and freight in a recently released inquiry report.

Literacy and numeracy skills and labour market outcomes
Literacy and numeracy skills are a core element of a person's human capital. They are important for a person's social and economic participation. A recent Staff Working Paper uses literacy and numeracy data from the PIAAC survey to examine how important these skills are for labour market outcomes.