PC News May 2017
Newsletter of the Productivity Commission.
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How resilient are Australia's regional economies to the end of the mining boom?
The Australian economy's transition from the mining investment boom towards broader based growth is presenting both challenges and opportunities for Australia's regions.

Assessing the performance of the superannuation system
In stage one of a three-stage review of Australia's superannuation system, the Productivity Commission has developed a framework for assessing the efficiency and competitiveness of the superannuation industry.

How should default superannuation products be allocated to employees?
In stage two of a three-stage review of the superannuation system the Commission has identified alternative models for allocating superannuation products to those workers who do not choose their own.

Improving human services outcomes
The Commission has identified areas of human services delivery that would benefit from introducing greater competition, contestability and informed user choice.

Consumer law enforcement and administration
A Commission study released in April has identified several reforms to strengthen consumer protection.

Australia's children from birth to adulthood: What do the 2017 ROGS and 2016 OID reports tell us?
This article shows how information from 2017 RoGS and 2016 OID reports can help answer some key questions about the wellbeing of children and young people.