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Integrated Tariff Analysis System (ITAS)

Tariff Information for each HS6 Industrial Product

Import tariff data presented at the HS6 level for each country, include:

  • Maximum initial bound and applied rates, across export partners for each HS6 code
  • Maximum final applied rates under each tariff reduction scenario
  • Number of export partners for the HS6 product
  • Product grouping (sector)
  • Total value of imports for each HS6 product, in US$.

Data relating to Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, India, Indonesia and Japan are presented separately for the first five scenarios and the second five scenarios.

Data relating to Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and the US are presented separately for the first five scenarios and the second five scenarios.

The files for the following countries contain the value of imports in US$, added across exporting countries for each HS6 code. The countries are:

These data are unavailable for Bangladesh.

The files for the following countries contain average Post Uruguay and current applied import tariff rates for all (industrial) HS6 items. The countries are: