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Speeches and presentations

A range of speeches delivered by the current and former Chairs and Commissioners on economic, social and environmental productivity issues affecting Australia.

Regulating Australia's infrastructure: Looking forward

14 / 08 / 2002

An address by Chairman Gary Banks to the National Infrastructure Summit hosted by The Australian Financial Review and AusCID, Melbourne on 14 August 2002.

The 'Baby and the bath water': Avoiding efficiency mishaps in regulating monopoly infrastructure

05 / 07 / 2002

An address by Chairman Gary Banks to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) conference 'Incentive Regulation at the Crossroads' on 5 July 2002.

Australia's interests in the WTO

05 / 04 / 2002

An address given by the Chairman on 5 April 2002 to the conference 'Towards Opportunity and Prosperity' organised by The Australian and The Melbourne Institute.

The Productivity Commission's automotive inquiry

26 / 03 / 2002

A presentation by Chairman Gary Banks to the Southern Region of the Federation of Automotive Products Manufacturers in Melbourne on 26 March 2002.

Competition regulation of infrastructure: Getting the balance right

14 / 03 / 2002

A paper presented by Gary Banks to the IIR Conference, National Competition Policy, Seven Years On, in Melbourne on 14 March 2002

The drivers of Australia's productivity surge

07 / 03 / 2002

A paper presented by Chairman Gary Banks to the ABARE Outlook 2002 Conference in Canberra on 7 March 2002.

Reviewing the service performance of Australian governments

20 / 02 / 2002

A speech given by Chairman Gary Banks to the 'Measuring and Managing Government Performance Summit' hosted by the International Quality and Productivity Centre in Canberra on 20 February 2002.

Article on microreform's productivity payoff

18 / 02 / 2002

On 18 February 2002 an article entitled Microreform’s Productivity Payoff, written by the Chairman Gary Banks, was published in The Australian newspaper (under the heading “Complacency the enemy in maintaining the miracle”).

The Role of ICT in Australia's economic performance

26 / 09 / 2001

An address by Chairman Gary Banks to the Communications Research Forum, Canberra on 26 September 2001.

Competition and the public interest

12 / 07 / 2001

On 12 July 2001 the Chairman, Gary Banks, addressed the National Competition Council Workshop on competition and the public interest.

Challenges for Australia in regulatory reform

10 / 07 / 2001

The Chairman gave an address to the conference, Regulation Reform Management and Scrutiny of Legislation, hosted by the NSW State Parliament, Sydney on 10 July 2001.

Productive R&D Assistance

28 / 11 / 2000

A speech given by the Chairman Gary Banks to the Melbourne Institute Public Economies Forum on 28 November 2000.

Competition: The best price regulator

21 / 11 / 2000

An address by the Chairman to the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) on 21 November 2000.

Meeting the challenge of change in regional Australia

09 / 11 / 2000

A speech given by the Chairman on 9 November 2000 to a Melbourne symposium 'Renaissance of the Regions' organised by the Institute of Public Administration Australia.

The Asian Financial Crisis

01 / 12 / 1999

In December 1999, Professor Anne Krueger visited the Productivity Commission and delivered a lecture. This paper, The Asian Financial Crisis, is the text of the lecture, based on the transcript.

Microeconomic reform: beauty or the beast?

29 / 03 / 1999

An address by the Chairman to the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) Trustees in Melbourne on 29 March 1999.

Policy implications of the ageing of Australia's population

18 / 03 / 1999

This speech by Chairman Gary Banks introduced the first session of the 'Conference on the Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population' held in Melbourne on 18 and19 March 1999.

Towards best practice regulation: The National 'Standard'

23 / 02 / 1999

An address by Chairman Gary Banks to the ESAA Conference 'Best Practice Regulation for Electricity Supply Businesses' in Melbourne on 23 February 1999.

Human capital, the universities and microeconomic reform

16 / 09 / 1998

A speech by the Chairman to the Victorian Economic Society Forum in Melbourne on 16 September 1998.

Why have a Productivity Commission?

26 / 08 / 1998

A speech delivered on 26 August 1998 by Chairman Gary Banks to the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia 'Public Education Forum' discussing the philosophy, role, and future directions of the recently formed Productivity Commission.